Post by Judge Sam on Jun 23, 2006 1:53:40 GMT -5
Sorin the Seeker: Sam kicks the bed aside, and there is her Government Spy Badge!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Monica: LOL Sam you're such a tease
spies1Gurinder: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Monica: Wait
Sorin the Seeker: OMG WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!
spies1Monica: Are you serious?
spies1Marion: YAY!!!!
spies1Caroline: HAHAHHA
spies1Soraya: hahaha!!!
spies1Caroline: TAKE THAT SPIES!
Sorin the Seeker: THE SPIES ARE DEAD!!!!!!
spies1Gigi: way to go
spies1Soraya: good bye
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Gurinder: FUCK YES EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Marion: YAY!!!!
spies1Gurinder: OMG
spies1Gurinder: I HAVE SOO MUCH
spies1Monica: WOW
spies1Gurinder: TO REVEAL
spies1Soraya: I feel so awsome
spies1DJ: Sweet! You guys did it! Reunion time lol
spies1Monica: LOL Wait
spies1Gurinder: We all do!
spies1Monica: Sam wasn't kidding, right?
spies1Caroline: We did it!
spies1Josh: I have mucho to reveal - don't we Sam?
spies1Monica: It really was Mercedes, Gigi?
spies1Emma: omg I've won!
spies1Soraya: I have so much to reveal as well
spies1Josh: I have mucho to reveal - don't I Sam?
spies1Monica: LOL what does Josh have to reveal?
spies1Caroline: HELLS YES GINDI
spies1Josh: =)
spies1Monica: WAI
spies1Gigi: ..
spies1Emma: god I can't wait to find out who everyone is!
spies1Soraya: SHHHH
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Josh: I WAS IN IT THOUGH
spies1Gurinder: no
Sorin the Seeker: The three spies are gone - 1, 2, 3!
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Soraya: lets not spill are secrets yet peoples
spies1Monica: LOL WAIT
spies1Monica: Let' Sam ask us
spies1Marion: I feel sad... no secrets :-(
spies1Monica: It'll be more fun that way
Sorin the Seeker: Citizens win!!!
spies1Gurinder: YAY!!!!
spies1Caroline: FU Gindi
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Soraya: congradulations folks
spies1Gurinder: Soraya
Sorin the Seeker: Winners of Spies 1: Caroline, Emma, Frank, Gurinder, Josh, Marion, Monica, Soraya.
spies1Josh: Lets too
spies1Gurinder: I thought you were as py for SO long
spies1Caroline: We won!
spies1Soraya: ~_^
spies1Gigi: and Gigi for being awesome right?
spies1Emma: wheeeeeeeee!
spies1Monica: LOL GO TEAM!
spies1Gurinder: Gigi is probably Jamie
spies1Soraya: no
spies1Gigi: probably not
spies1Soraya: gigi is caroline
spies1Monica: SAM Can we spill everything now?
spies1Emma: yay team! an alliance I was on finally worked holy shiot
spies1Emma: no let sam
spies1Emma: it'll be more fun!
spies1Monica: Sam c'mon
spies1Soraya: I mean
spies1DJ: Lol Jamie has to be someone in here!
spies1Gurinder: MONICA
spies1Monica: Ask us stuff
spies1Caroline: Let Sam have the honors
spies1Gurinder: *hug*
spies1Soraya: caroline is jamie
spies1Emma: oh wait maybe I just revealed who I was. hahaha
Sorin the Seeker: There are lots of secrets to reveal...
spies1Gurinder: Monica was my best friend
spies1Monica: Gindi
spies1Gurinder: <3
spies1Monica: Depley <3
Sorin the Seeker: Let's just start with the basics
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Gurinder: you bitch
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: LOL
spies1Soraya: sssssh
spies1Gigi: shhh
spies1Soraya: let sam talk
Sorin the Seeker: Julian, Gigi, Mercedes - SPIES
Sorin the Seeker: Sage - Psychic
spies1Gurinder: SORAYA MONICA
Sorin the Seeker: We still have quite a few people who don't know who the counteragents are...
spies1Gigi: me
Sorin the Seeker: or that there were even two lol
spies1Monica: Gigi
spies1Gurinder: I know LOL
Sorin the Seeker: that includes all the spies
spies1Monica: You didn't guess?
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Monica: Julian never guessed?
Sorin the Seeker: Counteragents: Soraya, Monica
spies1Gurinder: Cmon
spies1Soraya: wait monica
spies1Emma: wow. they're pretty dumb. haha
spies1Gurinder: guys it was so obvious
spies1Gigi: I thought it was gerta
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Soraya ^5
spies1Soraya: your welcome everyone
spies1Caroline: good job Soraya!
spies1Soraya: sorry gigi darling
spies1Gigi: its ok
spies1Gigi: did you investigate me?
spies1Gurinder: WAIT
spies1Monica: We never investigated a spy
spies1Soraya: nope
spies1Gurinder: We have to reveal
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Gurinder: hwo it all hapened
spies1Monica: We got only Citizens
spies1Gigi: did you investigate marion?
spies1Gurinder: well Soraya got Julian
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Soraya: spy never let ME investigate
spies1Marion: :-(
spies1Marion: I feel hurt.
spies1Monica: Soraya TRIED to investigate Julian
spies1Soraya: i was marion
Sorin the Seeker: I've written a little day by day mini-summary of the game so let's go through since the start and talk about things as they happened one by one
spies1Gurinder: I ws the first Investigated LOL
spies1Soraya: but sam blocked me
spies1Gurinder: THANKS A LOT MONICA
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Sam
spies1Gigi: k sam do it.
spies1Soraya: yaya
spies1Gurinder: Sam doo it
spies1Caroline: heheh
spies1Gurinder: Gigi <3
spies1Caroline: I love this game
Sorin the Seeker: June 3rd, the very first day... Identities were at first revealed
spies1Soraya: I love you gigi
spies1Emma: i want to know whos who. noooow
spies1Gigi: Who doesn't love me?
Sorin the Seeker: to the people who had them
Sorin the Seeker: Sage was told his power would be revealed at the first exiling
Sorin the Seeker: monica and soraya told they would be notified at the first exiling
Sorin the Seeker: (actually sage was first imprisonment)
Sorin the Seeker: the first day went by, and everyone got to know each other
Sorin the Seeker: especially julian, who was able to make a lot of friends in a short period of time
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: He's such a charmer
spies1Gurinder: Me too
spies1Soraya: eh
spies1Gigi: where is he
spies1Gigi: now
Sorin the Seeker: day 2: Sage pushes for an inactive to be the first one to be eliminated
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Gurinder: dumbass
spies1Marion: :: Shakes head ::
spies1Monica: Hey, he got his wish
spies1Soraya: haha
spies1Gigi: aw sage
Sorin the Seeker: sage, soraya, and some others (i forget who) enter a chat and decide that andrew will be the first one exiled
spies1Soraya: and gigi
spies1Gurinder: um
spies1Soraya: xD
spies1Gurinder: lol
spies1Monica: Josh and Gindi and Damien
spies1Gurinder: no it wasnt
spies1Gigi: and me!
spies1Gurinder: it was
spies1Gurinder: Gerta, Caro, Soraya, Damien, andme
spies1Gurinder: and maybe Josh
spies1Monica: Ah yes Gerta
spies1Gurinder: Gerta was the headmistress lol
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Monica: Whoa so a Spy wasn't even in that chat?
spies1Gurinder: I kissed so much ass this game
Sorin the Seeker: Marion does not like this idea
spies1Monica: HAHA! That's AWESOME
spies1Soraya: ssssh
spies1Soraya: litsen
Sorin the Seeker: and, refusing to vote an inactive, instead wants to aim for a Spy
spies1Gurinder: Marion was a hard bitch this game LOL
Sorin the Seeker: meanwhile, on day 3 andrew is imprisoned
spies1Emma: stupid marion!
spies1Emma: haha, jk
spies1Gurinder: she didn't care, she voted how she wanted - beat of her own drum
spies1Marion: :-P
Sorin the Seeker: throwing voting plans out of whack
spies1Emma: <3
spies1Soraya: yup
Sorin the Seeker: sage receives his first vision
spies1Monica: LOL Marion I had such a hard time trying to work you this round
spies1Monica: Gindi's not kidding
spies1Soraya: oooo
Sorin the Seeker: and is notified that he can save 1 imprisoned person
spies1Marion: LOL well Josh almost got 2 votes
spies1Soraya: who did sage save?
spies1Gurinder: Save my ass
Sorin the Seeker: there are a few inactives
spies1Gigi: nobody
Sorin the Seeker: including 2 spies - gigi and mercedes, who did not even confirm that they knew they were a spy until day 3
spies1DJ: We knocked him out before he could, lol
spies1Gigi: that's not true
Sorin the Seeker: it was quite worrisome not knownig if 2/3rds of my spies would show up lol
spies1Gigi: day 2, bitch
spies1Gurinder: lol
spies1Monica: LOL awww Julian was working solo?
Sorin the Seeker: people railed against damien for being inactive
spies1Emma: he could work me solo
Sorin the Seeker: which he was
spies1Gurinder: Frank was Mark - that's all we can settle on right?
Sorin the Seeker: but not as much as some others
spies1Gigi: NO WAY!
spies1Caroline: DAmien
spies1Josh: We can all settle on a couple others
Sorin the Seeker: at this point not a single actual spy is suspected...
spies1Monica: And then Josh and I were like FU Sage, we want you out for trying to sabotage the Citizens
Sorin the Seeker: a counter force rallies to get out sage, who is seen as suspicious for wanting out inactives
Sorin the Seeker: who, according to some people 'cannot be spies'
spies1Emma: hahaha
spies1Josh: =]
spies1Gigi: hahaha
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Gurinder: and according to sage
ThumperBerries has entered the room.
spies1Caroline: brb
spies1Gurinder: INACTIVES were SPIES
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Soraya: BENI!?
spies1Josh: THUMPER
spies1Josh: <3333333333
spies1Gurinder: thats Sage's motto in ths game LOL
spies1Gigi: I thought I'd be safe by defending him..
ThumperBerries: hame over?
Sorin the Seeker: it comes to a head at the first exiling on day 4
ThumperBerries: omg how do people know me
spies1Soraya: what the hell is beji doing here?!
spies1Monica: Who the heck is ThumperBerries?
spies1Soraya: benji*
spies1Gurinder: Monica dear
spies1Caroline: Benji!
Sorin the Seeker: someone who wanted to watch
spies1Soraya: caroline!
spies1Monica: Oh okay not a player
Sorin the Seeker: mercedes was imprisoned, she was the last spy
ThumperBerries: Did anyone in here play the game with the VAMPIES?
spies1Gurinder: Monica doesnt know people
spies1Soraya: jamie
spies1Gurinder: she only knows her own people lmao
spies1Monica: I have no idea who any of you people are LOL
Sorin the Seeker: it was a close vote damien VS. Sage
Sorin the Seeker: even the spies didn't know how it turned out
ThumperBerries: Anyone here play the game with the vampies where Holly was the Seer?
spies1Caroline has left the room.
spies1Monica: LOL it was so close
Sorin the Seeker: lucky for citizens, it turned out as damien
ThumperBerries: guess not
spies1Monica: NO lucky for SPIES
spies1Gurinder: um
Sorin the Seeker: damien thought he was targetted because people thought he was a spy
spies1Gurinder: Sage was a psychic
Sorin the Seeker: when in reality in couldn't be further from the truth
spies1Gurinder: I told yall to vote Damien
Rhi in Walmart has entered the room.
Rhi in Walmart:
spies1Monica: Damien was targeted because people wanted inactive players out of the game
ThumperBerries: how do people know me
Sorin the Seeker: no one thought he was a spy
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
spies1Marion: Which was stupid
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
ThumperBerries: im actually Gigi
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
Rhi in Walmart:
Sorin the Seeker: caroline received idler votes, and as an inactive, nobody suspected her...
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Josh: BENNY
spies1Monica: LOL did Damien say that in his confessional?
spies1Soraya: no way
Sorin the Seeker: something that would continue throughout the game
ThumperBerries: jk im not
spies1Gigi: no you're not.
spies1Gigi: lol
Fear The Slice has entered the room.
Fear The Slice: I however
spies1Emma: haha thats not true! me and julian suspected her :-P
Fear The Slice: Am someone in the game
spies1Monica: Who the hell are all these people?
spies1Gurinder: BEN?
spies1Gurinder: OMG
Sorin the Seeker: on day 5, soraya felt betrayed by Sage
spies1DJ: Lol hi Ben
spies1Soraya: xDDD
Fear The Slice: Hi Tripper
Missy BlueSkyy has entered the room.
ThumperBerries: <--- am not in the game
spies1Soraya: yes, I'm so bad
Sorin the Seeker: and... wanted Sage to get OUT, no matter if he was a spy or citizen
spies1Caroline has entered the room.
Fear The Slice: Hi all
spies1DJ: WB Caro!
spies1Caroline: thanks
spies1Monica: So who is Fear the Slice?
spies1Gurinder: Ben
Sorin the Seeker: on day six depley came out of inactivity
spies1Caroline: Josh
spies1Soraya: don't forget that me, gigi, and sage were in an alliance
spies1Gigi: yes
spies1Gurinder: Rhi and Ben
Sorin the Seeker: can we do reveals after the summary of the game :-) everything will be revealed shortly
spies1Gigi: the upper class alliance
spies1Monica: Game names only please - I have no idea who any of you are
spies1Gurinder: Caro and Josh?
spies1Soraya: yup
spies1Soraya: ok
Fear The Slice: youll see
spies1Gigi: The "everyone else is dirty scum" alliance
Sorin the Seeker: oh yes, Sage, Gigi, and Soraya formed an alliance by looking down on the poorer players
spies1Gigi: no offense.
spies1Monica: LOL Gigi I was in the "Dirty scum" alliance??
spies1Monica: LOL!
spies1Soraya: xD
spies1DJ: Lol poor me, a scum bag sitting in jail
spies1Gurinder: Fuck trash whores LOL
spies1Monica: I can't wait to read the confessionals
Fear The Slice has left the room.
spies1Gigi: We were "too rich" to be spies
Sorin the Seeker: By day 6, it looked like the spies would never be discovered
spies1Soraya: exactly
Sorin the Seeker: gigi and julian fit in perfectly
spies1Monica: LOL DJ they mean by character traits
Sorin the Seeker: and mercedes was way under the radar
Sorin the Seeker: which is partly why she was picked
spies1Monica: LOL boy oh boy did they
spies1Gurinder: WAY
spies1DJ: Lol well then yep I'm very scummy lol
Sorin the Seeker: Day 7 brought the 2nd imprisonment
spies1Monica: Depley <3
Sorin the Seeker: The spies debated... but ultimately ended up on depley
spies1Monica: WHY Depley?
Sorin the Seeker: they felt he was inactive, but being more active recently
spies1Gurinder: Was I ever considered for imprisonment Spies ?
spies1Monica: That's all? Cause of activity?
Sorin the Seeker: from their conversations with him, they thought he would be incredibly intelligent
Sorin the Seeker: making great deductions with very little information
spies1Monica: Ah
Sorin the Seeker: he was too threatening
Sorin the Seeker: julian, upon learning of the counteragent twist said
Rhi in Walmart has left the room.
Sorin the Seeker: "don't focus on the counteragent, we'll get them eventually,"
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: LOL
spies1Gurinder: lao
spies1Gurinder: lmao*
spies1Gurinder: guess not
Sorin the Seeker: a focus on not finding the counteragent would be part of the spies downfall
spies1Monica: Soraya ^5
spies1Soraya: Monica <3
Sorin the Seeker: on that night, soraya failed to post an investigation in time
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: XD
spies1Gurinder: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: monica investigated gurinder, revealing his citizen identity
spies1Gurinder: idiot
spies1Marion: lol
Sorin the Seeker: forming a bond between the two
spies1Gurinder: MON<333333333333
spies1Frank has entered the room.
spies1Monica: LOL you were SUCH A SPY
Sorin the Seeker: that would last for the upcoming days
spies1Gurinder: I WAS NOT!
spies1DJ: Hi Frank
spies1Monica: FRANK WE WON!!!!!!!!
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Emma: yay counteragents
spies1Gurinder: MARK WE WON!!!!!
spies1Frank: who was the spy?
spies1Gigi: Frank dear
spies1Gurinder: mercedes
Sorin the Seeker: day 8: Sage VS. Marion
spies1Monica: MERCEDES
spies1Frank: Can I stop typing dumbly? lol
spies1Monica: Didn't you read my message, Frank LOL
spies1Gigi: Mark?
spies1Frank: <-- Mark
spies1Soraya: yes LOL
Sorin the Seeker: both sides are adamant, and once again the spies decide to split their votes
spies1Gigi: OH MY
spies1Frank: From Asteria
ThumperBerries: Im listenting to you Mr. SorinTheSeeker :-)
spies1Emma: no revealing yet bitches
spies1Caroline: Lets wait until the end for reveals, k?
spies1Gigi: That means absolutely nothing to me
spies1Frank: Too late for that
Sorin the Seeker: not really caring, once again, who was exiled
spies1Monica: Frank
Sorin the Seeker: well everyone already knew you were mark anyway lol
spies1Frank: Yeah
Sorin the Seeker: so its k :-)
spies1Frank: 'cause of that one time that I signed on with Trillian
spies1Soraya: I don't know mark
spies1Marion: Lol
spies1Frank: lol
spies1Monica: LOL Frank yeah
Sorin the Seeker: sage thought he was safe
spies1Monica: Frank I am so glad you're not stupid
Sorin the Seeker: even posting at 8:50 pm (10 min before exile) that he felt confident he had nothing to worry about
spies1Gigi: darling, I'll ride with you in your UPS truck any day
spies1Emma: because I lied to him eep
Sorin the Seeker: to his surprise, he was exiled, and revealed as a psychic
spies1Soraya: eeek
spies1Emma: was that where I sketchily voted gindi? hahaha
spies1Monica: Test
spies1Monica: Test
Sorin the Seeker: on day 9 the 1st challenge started
spies1Soraya: uh oh
Sorin the Seeker: monica was determined to win
spies1Soraya: here we go monica <3
spies1Monica has left the room.
Sorin the Seeker: but gurinder and frank were also
spies1Monica has entered the room.
spies1Josh: i was determined too :[
Sorin the Seeker: the original person who played Josh
Sorin the Seeker: had been inactive ever since the first episode
spies1Gigi: oooohhhhh
spies1Josh: original?!@@@~~!
Sorin the Seeker: on day 10 he was swapped with someone else
spies1Gigi: OOOHHHH
spies1Monica: There were 2 people?
spies1Monica: I LOVED the first Josh
spies1Emma: DRAMA
spies1Marion: Two Josh's?
spies1Gurinder: I LOVED JOSH #1
spies1Gigi: Ew no
spies1Gigi: The first josh was inactive
spies1Josh: oh wwo
spies1Gurinder: I hated Josh#2 LOL
spies1Josh: I love you all too
spies1Monica: Josh #1 was like hardcore let's get the Spies
spies1Soraya: WHAT?
spies1Monica: Josh, remember when I asked you what happened and why you were different?
Sorin the Seeker: day 10 was the turning point of the game
spies1Soraya: why was there a swap?
spies1Marion: The only time I talked to Josh I guess was Josh1
spies1Josh: Sam wanted the inactive gone
Sorin the Seeker: the challenge brought many people together
Sorin the Seeker: the spies did not participate in the challenge
spies1Monica: That's a shame
spies1Gigi: I would have if SOMEONE hadn't targeted me
spies1Monica: Soraya wanted to KILL ME after I knocked her out
Sorin the Seeker: the spies had been out of touch since the middle of the 2nd episode
spies1Monica: LOL Gigi
spies1Soraya: heehee
Sorin the Seeker: they did an excellent job hiding at first
spies1Emma: julian participated didn't he?
spies1Josh: Monica. Be nice. I was playful like a teddy bear
Sorin the Seeker: but did not take advantage of any twists
spies1Monica: Yes for a bit, Emma
Sorin the Seeker: they did not use spymail at all
spies1Gurinder: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: they did not use the challenge at all
spies1Soraya: boo
spies1Monica: Ugh
spies1Gurinder: lsoers
Sorin the Seeker: they did not pretend to be acounteragent or even look for any
spies1Gigi: once again
spies1Gigi: I would have done the challenge if I could.
spies1Monica: LOL GIgi
spies1Monica: Haha
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Gurinder: lmao
Sorin the Seeker: their failure to capitalize and pretend to be active citizens looking for spies would spell their downfall
spies1Marion: Bad spies!
Sorin the Seeker: especially when
spies1Monica: That's the key - looking for Spies
Sorin the Seeker: on day 11...
spies1Gigi: yeah and I'm the only one who showed up tonight?
spies1Monica: Gigi never appeared to be looking for Spies
Sorin the Seeker: Soraya and Monica confided to each other
spies1Monica: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: and realized both were counteragents
spies1Gurinder: I TOLD HER TO DO THAT BTW
spies1Gurinder: I told her
spies1Soraya: <3
spies1Soraya: XD
spies1Gigi: oh dear.
spies1Monica: LOL Sam you're such a tease
spies1Gurinder: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Monica: Wait
Sorin the Seeker: OMG WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!
spies1Monica: Are you serious?
spies1Marion: YAY!!!!
spies1Caroline: HAHAHHA
spies1Soraya: hahaha!!!
spies1Caroline: TAKE THAT SPIES!
Sorin the Seeker: THE SPIES ARE DEAD!!!!!!
spies1Gigi: way to go
spies1Soraya: good bye
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Gurinder: FUCK YES EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Josh: ROFL
spies1Marion: YAY!!!!
spies1Gurinder: OMG
spies1Gurinder: I HAVE SOO MUCH
spies1Monica: WOW
spies1Gurinder: TO REVEAL
spies1Soraya: I feel so awsome
spies1DJ: Sweet! You guys did it! Reunion time lol
spies1Monica: LOL Wait
spies1Gurinder: We all do!
spies1Monica: Sam wasn't kidding, right?
spies1Caroline: We did it!
spies1Josh: I have mucho to reveal - don't we Sam?
spies1Monica: It really was Mercedes, Gigi?
spies1Emma: omg I've won!
spies1Soraya: I have so much to reveal as well
spies1Josh: I have mucho to reveal - don't I Sam?
spies1Monica: LOL what does Josh have to reveal?
spies1Caroline: HELLS YES GINDI
spies1Josh: =)
spies1Monica: WAI
spies1Gigi: ..
spies1Emma: god I can't wait to find out who everyone is!
spies1Soraya: SHHHH
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Josh: I WAS IN IT THOUGH
spies1Gurinder: no
Sorin the Seeker: The three spies are gone - 1, 2, 3!
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Soraya: lets not spill are secrets yet peoples
spies1Monica: LOL WAIT
spies1Monica: Let' Sam ask us
spies1Marion: I feel sad... no secrets :-(
spies1Monica: It'll be more fun that way
Sorin the Seeker: Citizens win!!!
spies1Gurinder: YAY!!!!
spies1Caroline: FU Gindi
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Soraya: congradulations folks
spies1Gurinder: Soraya
Sorin the Seeker: Winners of Spies 1: Caroline, Emma, Frank, Gurinder, Josh, Marion, Monica, Soraya.
spies1Josh: Lets too
spies1Gurinder: I thought you were as py for SO long
spies1Caroline: We won!
spies1Soraya: ~_^
spies1Gigi: and Gigi for being awesome right?
spies1Emma: wheeeeeeeee!
spies1Monica: LOL GO TEAM!
spies1Gurinder: Gigi is probably Jamie
spies1Soraya: no
spies1Gigi: probably not
spies1Soraya: gigi is caroline
spies1Monica: SAM Can we spill everything now?
spies1Emma: yay team! an alliance I was on finally worked holy shiot
spies1Emma: no let sam
spies1Emma: it'll be more fun!
spies1Monica: Sam c'mon
spies1Soraya: I mean
spies1DJ: Lol Jamie has to be someone in here!
spies1Gurinder: MONICA
spies1Monica: Ask us stuff
spies1Caroline: Let Sam have the honors
spies1Gurinder: *hug*
spies1Soraya: caroline is jamie
spies1Emma: oh wait maybe I just revealed who I was. hahaha
Sorin the Seeker: There are lots of secrets to reveal...
spies1Gurinder: Monica was my best friend
spies1Monica: Gindi
spies1Gurinder: <3
spies1Monica: Depley <3
Sorin the Seeker: Let's just start with the basics
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Gurinder: you bitch
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: LOL
spies1Soraya: sssssh
spies1Gigi: shhh
spies1Soraya: let sam talk
Sorin the Seeker: Julian, Gigi, Mercedes - SPIES
Sorin the Seeker: Sage - Psychic
spies1Gurinder: SORAYA MONICA
Sorin the Seeker: We still have quite a few people who don't know who the counteragents are...
spies1Gigi: me
Sorin the Seeker: or that there were even two lol
spies1Monica: Gigi
spies1Gurinder: I know LOL
Sorin the Seeker: that includes all the spies
spies1Monica: You didn't guess?
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Monica: Julian never guessed?
Sorin the Seeker: Counteragents: Soraya, Monica
spies1Gurinder: Cmon
spies1Soraya: wait monica
spies1Emma: wow. they're pretty dumb. haha
spies1Gurinder: guys it was so obvious
spies1Gigi: I thought it was gerta
spies1Gurinder: LOL
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Soraya ^5
spies1Soraya: your welcome everyone
spies1Caroline: good job Soraya!
spies1Soraya: sorry gigi darling
spies1Gigi: its ok
spies1Gigi: did you investigate me?
spies1Gurinder: WAIT
spies1Monica: We never investigated a spy
spies1Soraya: nope
spies1Gurinder: We have to reveal
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Gurinder: hwo it all hapened
spies1Monica: We got only Citizens
spies1Gigi: did you investigate marion?
spies1Gurinder: well Soraya got Julian
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Soraya: spy never let ME investigate
spies1Marion: :-(
spies1Marion: I feel hurt.
spies1Monica: Soraya TRIED to investigate Julian
spies1Soraya: i was marion
Sorin the Seeker: I've written a little day by day mini-summary of the game so let's go through since the start and talk about things as they happened one by one
spies1Gurinder: I ws the first Investigated LOL
spies1Soraya: but sam blocked me
spies1Gurinder: THANKS A LOT MONICA
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Sam
spies1Gigi: k sam do it.
spies1Soraya: yaya
spies1Gurinder: Sam doo it
spies1Caroline: heheh
spies1Gurinder: Gigi <3
spies1Caroline: I love this game
Sorin the Seeker: June 3rd, the very first day... Identities were at first revealed
spies1Soraya: I love you gigi
spies1Emma: i want to know whos who. noooow
spies1Gigi: Who doesn't love me?
Sorin the Seeker: to the people who had them
Sorin the Seeker: Sage was told his power would be revealed at the first exiling
Sorin the Seeker: monica and soraya told they would be notified at the first exiling
Sorin the Seeker: (actually sage was first imprisonment)
Sorin the Seeker: the first day went by, and everyone got to know each other
Sorin the Seeker: especially julian, who was able to make a lot of friends in a short period of time
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: He's such a charmer
spies1Gurinder: Me too
spies1Soraya: eh
spies1Gigi: where is he
spies1Gigi: now
Sorin the Seeker: day 2: Sage pushes for an inactive to be the first one to be eliminated
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Gurinder: dumbass
spies1Marion: :: Shakes head ::
spies1Monica: Hey, he got his wish
spies1Soraya: haha
spies1Gigi: aw sage
Sorin the Seeker: sage, soraya, and some others (i forget who) enter a chat and decide that andrew will be the first one exiled
spies1Soraya: and gigi
spies1Gurinder: um
spies1Soraya: xD
spies1Gurinder: lol
spies1Monica: Josh and Gindi and Damien
spies1Gurinder: no it wasnt
spies1Gigi: and me!
spies1Gurinder: it was
spies1Gurinder: Gerta, Caro, Soraya, Damien, andme
spies1Gurinder: and maybe Josh
spies1Monica: Ah yes Gerta
spies1Gurinder: Gerta was the headmistress lol
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Monica: Whoa so a Spy wasn't even in that chat?
spies1Gurinder: I kissed so much ass this game
Sorin the Seeker: Marion does not like this idea
spies1Monica: HAHA! That's AWESOME
spies1Soraya: ssssh
spies1Soraya: litsen
Sorin the Seeker: and, refusing to vote an inactive, instead wants to aim for a Spy
spies1Gurinder: Marion was a hard bitch this game LOL
Sorin the Seeker: meanwhile, on day 3 andrew is imprisoned
spies1Emma: stupid marion!
spies1Emma: haha, jk
spies1Gurinder: she didn't care, she voted how she wanted - beat of her own drum
spies1Marion: :-P
Sorin the Seeker: throwing voting plans out of whack
spies1Emma: <3
spies1Soraya: yup
Sorin the Seeker: sage receives his first vision
spies1Monica: LOL Marion I had such a hard time trying to work you this round
spies1Monica: Gindi's not kidding
spies1Soraya: oooo
Sorin the Seeker: and is notified that he can save 1 imprisoned person
spies1Marion: LOL well Josh almost got 2 votes
spies1Soraya: who did sage save?
spies1Gurinder: Save my ass
Sorin the Seeker: there are a few inactives
spies1Gigi: nobody
Sorin the Seeker: including 2 spies - gigi and mercedes, who did not even confirm that they knew they were a spy until day 3
spies1DJ: We knocked him out before he could, lol
spies1Gigi: that's not true
Sorin the Seeker: it was quite worrisome not knownig if 2/3rds of my spies would show up lol
spies1Gigi: day 2, bitch
spies1Gurinder: lol
spies1Monica: LOL awww Julian was working solo?
Sorin the Seeker: people railed against damien for being inactive
spies1Emma: he could work me solo
Sorin the Seeker: which he was
spies1Gurinder: Frank was Mark - that's all we can settle on right?
Sorin the Seeker: but not as much as some others
spies1Gigi: NO WAY!
spies1Caroline: DAmien
spies1Josh: We can all settle on a couple others
Sorin the Seeker: at this point not a single actual spy is suspected...
spies1Monica: And then Josh and I were like FU Sage, we want you out for trying to sabotage the Citizens
Sorin the Seeker: a counter force rallies to get out sage, who is seen as suspicious for wanting out inactives
Sorin the Seeker: who, according to some people 'cannot be spies'
spies1Emma: hahaha
spies1Josh: =]
spies1Gigi: hahaha
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Gurinder: and according to sage
ThumperBerries has entered the room.
spies1Caroline: brb
spies1Gurinder: INACTIVES were SPIES
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Soraya: BENI!?
spies1Josh: THUMPER
spies1Josh: <3333333333
spies1Gurinder: thats Sage's motto in ths game LOL
spies1Gigi: I thought I'd be safe by defending him..
ThumperBerries: hame over?
Sorin the Seeker: it comes to a head at the first exiling on day 4
ThumperBerries: omg how do people know me
spies1Soraya: what the hell is beji doing here?!
spies1Monica: Who the heck is ThumperBerries?
spies1Soraya: benji*
spies1Gurinder: Monica dear
spies1Caroline: Benji!
Sorin the Seeker: someone who wanted to watch
spies1Soraya: caroline!
spies1Monica: Oh okay not a player
Sorin the Seeker: mercedes was imprisoned, she was the last spy
ThumperBerries: Did anyone in here play the game with the VAMPIES?
spies1Gurinder: Monica doesnt know people
spies1Soraya: jamie
spies1Gurinder: she only knows her own people lmao
spies1Monica: I have no idea who any of you people are LOL
Sorin the Seeker: it was a close vote damien VS. Sage
Sorin the Seeker: even the spies didn't know how it turned out
ThumperBerries: Anyone here play the game with the vampies where Holly was the Seer?
spies1Caroline has left the room.
spies1Monica: LOL it was so close
Sorin the Seeker: lucky for citizens, it turned out as damien
ThumperBerries: guess not
spies1Monica: NO lucky for SPIES
spies1Gurinder: um
Sorin the Seeker: damien thought he was targetted because people thought he was a spy
spies1Gurinder: Sage was a psychic
Sorin the Seeker: when in reality in couldn't be further from the truth
spies1Gurinder: I told yall to vote Damien
Rhi in Walmart has entered the room.
Rhi in Walmart:
spies1Monica: Damien was targeted because people wanted inactive players out of the game
ThumperBerries: how do people know me
Sorin the Seeker: no one thought he was a spy
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
spies1Marion: Which was stupid
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
ThumperBerries: im actually Gigi
spies1Gurinder: RHI?
Rhi in Walmart:
Sorin the Seeker: caroline received idler votes, and as an inactive, nobody suspected her...
spies1Josh: OMG
spies1Josh: BENNY
spies1Monica: LOL did Damien say that in his confessional?
spies1Soraya: no way
Sorin the Seeker: something that would continue throughout the game
ThumperBerries: jk im not
spies1Gigi: no you're not.
spies1Gigi: lol
Fear The Slice has entered the room.
Fear The Slice: I however
spies1Emma: haha thats not true! me and julian suspected her :-P
Fear The Slice: Am someone in the game
spies1Monica: Who the hell are all these people?
spies1Gurinder: BEN?
spies1Gurinder: OMG
Sorin the Seeker: on day 5, soraya felt betrayed by Sage
spies1DJ: Lol hi Ben
spies1Soraya: xDDD
Fear The Slice: Hi Tripper
Missy BlueSkyy has entered the room.
ThumperBerries: <--- am not in the game
spies1Soraya: yes, I'm so bad
Sorin the Seeker: and... wanted Sage to get OUT, no matter if he was a spy or citizen
spies1Caroline has entered the room.
Fear The Slice: Hi all
spies1DJ: WB Caro!
spies1Caroline: thanks
spies1Monica: So who is Fear the Slice?
spies1Gurinder: Ben
Sorin the Seeker: on day six depley came out of inactivity
spies1Caroline: Josh
spies1Soraya: don't forget that me, gigi, and sage were in an alliance
spies1Gigi: yes
spies1Gurinder: Rhi and Ben
Sorin the Seeker: can we do reveals after the summary of the game :-) everything will be revealed shortly
spies1Gigi: the upper class alliance
spies1Monica: Game names only please - I have no idea who any of you are
spies1Gurinder: Caro and Josh?
spies1Soraya: yup
spies1Soraya: ok
Fear The Slice: youll see
spies1Gigi: The "everyone else is dirty scum" alliance
Sorin the Seeker: oh yes, Sage, Gigi, and Soraya formed an alliance by looking down on the poorer players
spies1Gigi: no offense.
spies1Monica: LOL Gigi I was in the "Dirty scum" alliance??
spies1Monica: LOL!
spies1Soraya: xD
spies1DJ: Lol poor me, a scum bag sitting in jail
spies1Gurinder: Fuck trash whores LOL
spies1Monica: I can't wait to read the confessionals
Fear The Slice has left the room.
spies1Gigi: We were "too rich" to be spies
Sorin the Seeker: By day 6, it looked like the spies would never be discovered
spies1Soraya: exactly
Sorin the Seeker: gigi and julian fit in perfectly
spies1Monica: LOL DJ they mean by character traits
Sorin the Seeker: and mercedes was way under the radar
Sorin the Seeker: which is partly why she was picked
spies1Monica: LOL boy oh boy did they
spies1Gurinder: WAY
spies1DJ: Lol well then yep I'm very scummy lol
Sorin the Seeker: Day 7 brought the 2nd imprisonment
spies1Monica: Depley <3
Sorin the Seeker: The spies debated... but ultimately ended up on depley
spies1Monica: WHY Depley?
Sorin the Seeker: they felt he was inactive, but being more active recently
spies1Gurinder: Was I ever considered for imprisonment Spies ?
spies1Monica: That's all? Cause of activity?
Sorin the Seeker: from their conversations with him, they thought he would be incredibly intelligent
Sorin the Seeker: making great deductions with very little information
spies1Monica: Ah
Sorin the Seeker: he was too threatening
Sorin the Seeker: julian, upon learning of the counteragent twist said
Rhi in Walmart has left the room.
Sorin the Seeker: "don't focus on the counteragent, we'll get them eventually,"
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: LOL
spies1Gurinder: lao
spies1Gurinder: lmao*
spies1Gurinder: guess not
Sorin the Seeker: a focus on not finding the counteragent would be part of the spies downfall
spies1Monica: Soraya ^5
spies1Soraya: Monica <3
Sorin the Seeker: on that night, soraya failed to post an investigation in time
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Soraya: XD
spies1Gurinder: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: monica investigated gurinder, revealing his citizen identity
spies1Gurinder: idiot
spies1Marion: lol
Sorin the Seeker: forming a bond between the two
spies1Gurinder: MON<333333333333
spies1Frank has entered the room.
spies1Monica: LOL you were SUCH A SPY
Sorin the Seeker: that would last for the upcoming days
spies1Gurinder: I WAS NOT!
spies1DJ: Hi Frank
spies1Monica: FRANK WE WON!!!!!!!!
spies1Gurinder: lmao
spies1Emma: yay counteragents
spies1Gurinder: MARK WE WON!!!!!
spies1Frank: who was the spy?
spies1Gigi: Frank dear
spies1Gurinder: mercedes
Sorin the Seeker: day 8: Sage VS. Marion
spies1Monica: MERCEDES
spies1Frank: Can I stop typing dumbly? lol
spies1Monica: Didn't you read my message, Frank LOL
spies1Gigi: Mark?
spies1Frank: <-- Mark
spies1Soraya: yes LOL
Sorin the Seeker: both sides are adamant, and once again the spies decide to split their votes
spies1Gigi: OH MY
spies1Frank: From Asteria
ThumperBerries: Im listenting to you Mr. SorinTheSeeker :-)
spies1Emma: no revealing yet bitches
spies1Caroline: Lets wait until the end for reveals, k?
spies1Gigi: That means absolutely nothing to me
spies1Frank: Too late for that
Sorin the Seeker: not really caring, once again, who was exiled
spies1Monica: Frank
Sorin the Seeker: well everyone already knew you were mark anyway lol
spies1Frank: Yeah
Sorin the Seeker: so its k :-)
spies1Frank: 'cause of that one time that I signed on with Trillian
spies1Soraya: I don't know mark
spies1Marion: Lol
spies1Frank: lol
spies1Monica: LOL Frank yeah
Sorin the Seeker: sage thought he was safe
spies1Monica: Frank I am so glad you're not stupid
Sorin the Seeker: even posting at 8:50 pm (10 min before exile) that he felt confident he had nothing to worry about
spies1Gigi: darling, I'll ride with you in your UPS truck any day
spies1Emma: because I lied to him eep
Sorin the Seeker: to his surprise, he was exiled, and revealed as a psychic
spies1Soraya: eeek
spies1Emma: was that where I sketchily voted gindi? hahaha
spies1Monica: Test
spies1Monica: Test
Sorin the Seeker: on day 9 the 1st challenge started
spies1Soraya: uh oh
Sorin the Seeker: monica was determined to win
spies1Soraya: here we go monica <3
spies1Monica has left the room.
Sorin the Seeker: but gurinder and frank were also
spies1Monica has entered the room.
spies1Josh: i was determined too :[
Sorin the Seeker: the original person who played Josh
Sorin the Seeker: had been inactive ever since the first episode
spies1Gigi: oooohhhhh
spies1Josh: original?!@@@~~!
Sorin the Seeker: on day 10 he was swapped with someone else
spies1Gigi: OOOHHHH
spies1Monica: There were 2 people?
spies1Monica: I LOVED the first Josh
spies1Emma: DRAMA
spies1Marion: Two Josh's?
spies1Gurinder: I LOVED JOSH #1
spies1Gigi: Ew no
spies1Gigi: The first josh was inactive
spies1Josh: oh wwo
spies1Gurinder: I hated Josh#2 LOL
spies1Josh: I love you all too
spies1Monica: Josh #1 was like hardcore let's get the Spies
spies1Soraya: WHAT?
spies1Monica: Josh, remember when I asked you what happened and why you were different?
Sorin the Seeker: day 10 was the turning point of the game
spies1Soraya: why was there a swap?
spies1Marion: The only time I talked to Josh I guess was Josh1
spies1Josh: Sam wanted the inactive gone
Sorin the Seeker: the challenge brought many people together
Sorin the Seeker: the spies did not participate in the challenge
spies1Monica: That's a shame
spies1Gigi: I would have if SOMEONE hadn't targeted me
spies1Monica: Soraya wanted to KILL ME after I knocked her out
Sorin the Seeker: the spies had been out of touch since the middle of the 2nd episode
spies1Monica: LOL Gigi
spies1Soraya: heehee
Sorin the Seeker: they did an excellent job hiding at first
spies1Emma: julian participated didn't he?
spies1Josh: Monica. Be nice. I was playful like a teddy bear
Sorin the Seeker: but did not take advantage of any twists
spies1Monica: Yes for a bit, Emma
Sorin the Seeker: they did not use spymail at all
spies1Gurinder: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: they did not use the challenge at all
spies1Soraya: boo
spies1Monica: Ugh
spies1Gurinder: lsoers
Sorin the Seeker: they did not pretend to be acounteragent or even look for any
spies1Gigi: once again
spies1Gigi: I would have done the challenge if I could.
spies1Monica: LOL GIgi
spies1Monica: Haha
spies1Soraya: lol
spies1Gurinder: lmao
Sorin the Seeker: their failure to capitalize and pretend to be active citizens looking for spies would spell their downfall
spies1Marion: Bad spies!
Sorin the Seeker: especially when
spies1Monica: That's the key - looking for Spies
Sorin the Seeker: on day 11...
spies1Gigi: yeah and I'm the only one who showed up tonight?
spies1Monica: Gigi never appeared to be looking for Spies
Sorin the Seeker: Soraya and Monica confided to each other
spies1Monica: LOL
Sorin the Seeker: and realized both were counteragents
spies1Gurinder: I TOLD HER TO DO THAT BTW
spies1Gurinder: I told her
spies1Soraya: <3
spies1Soraya: XD
spies1Gigi: oh dear.