spies1Josh: why did you give me false information?
spies1Monica: I didn't know if I could trust you not to tell Julian
spies1Monica: I thought you were solid with him
spies1Monica: I was
spies1Josh: i didnt even talk to him until after voting was due
spies1Monica: Well, we had to find out what he is
spies1Monica: After all this, I'm really hoping he was a Spy
spies1Monica: Though I doubt it
spies1Monica: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Monica: YES~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: i still think mercedes is a spy
spies1Monica: SHe could be
spies1Monica: OMG I'm thrilled
spies1Josh: Julian told me than the last spy voted for him
spies1Josh: I think its emma. he had a negative comment for her in his final words
spies1Monica: Uh huh
spies1Monica: It's not Emma.
spies1Josh: who could it possibly be
spies1Monica: Votes for Frank
Mercedes, Marion, Julian
Votes for Julian
Frank, Monica, Soraya, Gindi, Caroline, Emma, DJ
Votes for Mercedes
spies1Josh: Caroline is a big suspect to me
spies1Josh: Because i know her real identity
spies1Josh: and her real identity and Sam are like best friends
spies1Monica: For real?
spies1Monica: LOL you two flirt like there's no tomorrow
spies1Monica: So what Caroline wants, Caroline gets?
spies1Monica: Would she have wanted a Spy role?
spies1Josh: I believe so.
spies1Monica: That kind of person?
spies1Josh: she likes to get the most out of a game
spies1Monica: Interesting
spies1Monica: I'm not sure on Caroline
spies1Monica: She voted a Spy out 2 rounds in a row
spies1Monica: But on the other hand, she never talks to me
spies1Monica: Like ever
spies1Monica: Oh she did once
spies1Monica: And bitched me out
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: We're not on best terms
spies1Monica: But no
spies1Monica: I think I know who the third spy is
spies1Monica: They are playing a very, very good game
spies1Monica: But they messed up
spies1Josh: frank?
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Josh: Who?
spies1Josh: Marion?
spies1Monica: PS Frank isn't a spy
spies1Monica: Take that one to the bank
spies1Josh: Who is the third?
spies1Monica: Well I think I can say
spies1Monica: Cause there's only one leftr
spies1Josh: because now we got caroline on our side now since i know her real sn
spies1Monica: And if it's you, you'll just laugh and say "She's so wrong; I'm so good"
spies1Josh: Im not
spies1Monica: Well everyone has Frank's real SN
spies1Monica: So it's important that no one votes for him
spies1Josh: I know his name
spies1Monica: Why didn't you use it when you voted for him this round?
spies1Monica: JUST KIDDING
spies1Monica: You voted for Mercedes
spies1Monica: But you voted for him last round
spies1Josh: and caroline just told me
spies1Josh: thats why
spies1Monica: Ah
spies1Monica: Josh, I think it's Soraya.
spies1Monica: Even though she voted for Julian
spies1Monica: Even though she voted for Gigi
spies1Monica: She's been an insider
spies1Monica: And I think she's a Spy.
spies1Josh: Caroline knows who Soraya is
spies1Monica: Want to see something totally bizarre?
spies1Monica: spies1Soraya: the imprisonment
spies1Soraya: lets vote out a citizen
spies1Monica: NO!
spies1Soraya: YES
spies1Monica: spies1Monica: LOL I want to WIN
spies1Soraya: the spies will keep us around
spies1Monica: Without fucking up my record
spies1Monica: spies1xx: uh
spies1xx: I'm not taking that chance
spies1Monica: Neither am I
spies1Soraya: xx you loser
spies1Soraya: you take chances all the time
spies1Soraya: and now your a SCARDEY CAT
spies1Soraya: just like Monica
spies1Josh: your record?
spies1Monica: Well so far I'm 2/4
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: The worst Citizens are the ones who make it to the end
spies1Monica: That means they voted out the most Citizens
spies1Monica: Doesn't it
spies1Monica: Or else they wouldn't be at the end
spies1Monica: By end I mean like 2 Citizens 1 Spy left
spies1Monica: spies1Soraya: chickenwuss
spies1Monica: It's easier now to talk to you
spies1Monica: Now that I know only ONE spy is left
spies1Josh: thanks for not trusting me
spies1Josh: Caroline will not give me the identity of Soraya
spies1Josh: other than its a female
spies1Monica: Soraya's incredibly immature
spies1Monica: However
spies1Monica: She made a BRILLIANT move this game
spies1Monica: Can't tell you what it is now
spies1Monica: After she made her brilliant move, she fucked things up
spies1Josh: why cant you tell me?
spies1Monica: Cause you could be the last Spy
spies1Josh: then why would i be helping you by giving you info caroline gave me
spies1Monica: spies1Julian: Oh, and Josh
spies1Julian: You were my first friend in this game.
spies1Josh: thats why you sit on the chair
spies1Julian: I want you to win it for me, okay?
spies1Monica: That's why
spies1Josh: So im guilty for being the first person to talk to her?
spies1Monica: No, that snippet of chat is why
spies1Monica: Oh
spies1Monica: Him
spies1Monica: WHOA
spies1Monica: Julian was a SHE?
spies1Josh: I dont know
spies1Josh: I am hyperlexic
spies1Monica: That would've shocked the hell out of me
spies1Monica: Hyperlexic?
spies1Josh: i type and write things down that are subconciously in my mind
spies1Monica: LOL you wanted to have sex with Julian
spies1Josh: so?
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: OK
spies1Monica: To be fair, you haven't told me Caroline's identity so it's not like "real" info
spies1Monica: Whereas I did tell you who I think the last Spy is
spies1Josh: i just made a promise to her i would not spread her identity and she would not spread mine
spies1Monica: Sounds good
spies1Josh: we are close friends outside of the game
spies1Josh: so i intend on keeping the promise
spies1Monica: LOL no one knows who I am
spies1Monica: But that's cool that you're friends
spies1Monica: And that you keep the promise
spies1Monica: OK Why the hell does Soraya want to take out citizens
spies1Josh: i have no earthly idea
spies1Monica: Cause she's NUTS
spies1Monica: And probably a spy
spies1Monica: But she's still nuts
spies1Monica: The Spies split their vote
spies1Monica: So we can't look at prior votes and say who was who
spies1Monica: Gigi and Julian for example never voted the same way
spies1Josh: and soy always voted the right way.
spies1Monica: Nope
spies1Monica: She voted for Sage in Round 1
spies1Monica: When Damien was exiled
spies1Monica: So far I think Gindi and DJ are the only ones who voted the "right" way each time
spies1Monica: OK Josh
spies1Monica: I'm heading out
spies1Josh: Bye there
spies1Monica: Night
spies1Monica signed off at 11:51:32 PM.