spies1Josh: MON!
spies1Monica: OMG
spies1Monica: OMG
spies1Monica: OMG
spies1Monica: You're alive!!!!!!!!
spies1Josh: oh my god. where is my icon. it mustve gotten deleted
spies1Monica: NO!
spies1Monica: You got FIVE SELF VOTES last time
spies1Josh: WHAT?!
spies1Monica: Sage was exiled on only 7
spies1Monica: I PMed you, buster!
spies1Josh: oh that god. yes i saw that pm
spies1Monica: If a Sage vote had voted for you
spies1Monica: There would've been a 3 way tie
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Josh: thank god he doesnt have a head
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Well he was a Citizen
spies1Monica: And a Citizen with a special power too
spies1Monica: So that bites
spies1Monica: But he was like "OK I'll exile anyone - anyone at all"
spies1Monica: AGAIN
spies1Monica: How was vacay?
spies1Josh: So what is the power
spies1Josh: Exactly
spies1Monica: His power was ummmm got to save someone from imprisonment?
spies1Josh: Did he save lil ole me *butterfly lashes*
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: For sure
spies1Josh: He did, seriously?
spies1Monica: Who wouldn't?
spies1Monica: I mean, we're talking about you here
spies1Josh: Oh yeah
. So when will he announce it.
spies1Josh: So catch me up!!!
spies1Monica: Oh boy
spies1Monica: Where to even start
spies1Monica: OK so remember Damien v. Sage?
spies1Josh: Very much lol
spies1Monica: Damien went - you were there for that
spies1Monica: Anyway, people started asking of Sage was being set up
spies1Monica: And it made sense
spies1Monica: Especially after he wasn't imprisoned
spies1Monica: Depley, who I thought was the smartest person here, was
spies1Monica: The night before the vote, everyone agreed on Sage
spies1Monica: Then Sage called a chat and people decided to vote out either Frank, Dawn, or Gindi
spies1Monica: Then Gerta said no, she wanted Marion out
spies1Monica: Then everyone who thought Marion was a citizen said no, they wanted someone else out, and that either Sage was a bad spy or a bad player
spies1Monica: So it came down to 1 vote again
spies1Monica: Sage left
spies1Monica: Sage said "I told you so"
spies1Monica: Everyone said "Awww"
spies1Josh: lol
spies1Monica: Is that a good Readers Digest version?
spies1Josh: yes. very easy to understand with my 4th grade reading level
spies1Monica: Sry nxt time i wil not us big wurds
spies1Josh: So what are the plans for the next imprisionment (hoping the spies didnt notice my little off time)
spies1Monica: Oh ........ after receiving 5 self votes?
spies1Monica: Everyone noticed
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Josh: So basically, I can say goodbye? lol
spies1Monica: Post yoru ass off?
spies1Josh: Where, The Burg?
spies1Monica: I guess so
spies1Monica: Say congrats to Gindi for winning immunity
spies1Monica: Man it was weird how it turned out
spies1Monica: I really messed up
spies1Monica: Oh well
spies1Josh: What did you do now?
spies1Monica: LOL
spies1Monica: Sam posted a category
spies1Monica: And you had to post something in the category
spies1Monica: Then you used the points that you won to attack others
spies1Monica: When someone got 10 points, they were out
spies1Monica: So in the last round I had like 2 points
spies1Monica: Gindi had 3
spies1Monica: Frank had 3
spies1Monica: And a bunch of inactives
spies1Monica: You, Mercedes, and Caroline were left
spies1Josh: Did I win? :-)
spies1Monica: Anyway I fucked up and Gindi won
spies1Monica: LOL no
spies1Monica: You were close though!
spies1Josh: What did you do, exactly
spies1Monica: There were 30 items in the category
spies1Monica: The way I figured it, since only Gindi, Frank, and I were playing, that we'd all have enough points to take each outher out
spies1Monica: So I used my points as soon as I got them on Frank
spies1Monica: I thought Frank would split his points between me and Gindi
spies1Monica: And that since the timestamp said I got Frank out first, I'd win
spies1Monica: Instead Frank dumped all his points on me
spies1Monica: And Gindi ended up winning
spies1Josh: God you retard
spies1Monica: LOL at least I didn't vote for myself 5 times
spies1Josh: HEY. Unplanned vacations = bad for me
spies1Monica: Oh poor baby
spies1Monica: It's so hard going to the beach and tanning
spies1Josh: I didnt know that the Grand Canyon had a beach/tanning salon
spies1Monica: LOL so you were hanging out with other asses?
spies1Josh: Yep.
spies1Josh: HEY WAIT
spies1Josh: OTHER asses?
spies1Monica: Your 4th grade reading level fail you there?
spies1Josh: Yes... Why :-(
spies1Monica: Where did your buddy icon go anyway?
spies1Monica: I can't see the fro
spies1Josh: i am trying to get it back now
spies1Josh: it mustve been deleted while i was on vacation
spies1Monica: It seems we have a Mole in the works
spies1Monica: Sabotaging our AIM accounts
spies1Monica: Can you see mine, with the horse helmet?
spies1Josh: Yes I can ms. jockey
spies1Monica: Did your fellow spies PM you like "Where the hell are you Josh?"
spies1Josh: nope. ur the only one
spies1Monica: You know what that means
spies1Monica: The others are out to get you
spies1Josh: oh hell. bye
spies1Monica: LOL well you have me (till I find out that you're a Spy and exile your ass )
spies1Josh: hah im not. ill post what he posted in my journal if need be
spies1Monica: Well don't forget to post a confessional
spies1Monica: A transcript of sorts
spies1Monica: Or else it's 2 more self-votes at the next exiling
spies1Monica: Speaking of which, I still need to post one
spies1Josh: Already posted a confess
spies1Monica: No not just a confessional
spies1Monica: It has to be an AIM transcript
spies1Josh: and posting 3 convos right now
spies1Monica: Haha
spies1Monica: Talking to Gindi and Soraya?
spies1Josh: yep
spies1Josh: and i posted in the burg why i was gone
spies1Josh: hope that will help m,e
spies1Monica: Pity votes
spies1Monica: So Josh
spies1Monica: After hearing about the shenanigans from me, Gindi, and Soraya
spies1Monica: Any thoughts?
spies1Josh: Hope i dont get exiled tomorrow night. That's my thought of the minute